Learning About the History of Prague While Studying Abroad

Learning About the History of Prague, Czech Republic During a Summer Study Abroad Program             

This photoset represents the history knowledge I gained while taking the Golden City of Prague course while studying abroad. I learned so much about the Czech Republic's past. 

Study Abroad students taking a selfie on Charles Bridge with Prague Castle in the back

Prague Castle

Our last morning in Prague on Charles Bridge with the Prague Castle in the back! The Prague Castle from the 10th century, was the seat of the head of state, the princes and later kings, and of the highest representative of the church, the Prague bishop. The first convent in Bohemia was also founded in the grounds of Prague Castle. 

Through past classes I have read textbooks and only seen glimpses of Europe's history through pictures. This course truly immersed me in the history of Prague and allowed me to see and experience the key events that this country went through.  

Study Abroad students standing outside of the Národní Muzeum

Outside of  Národní Muzeum

My roommate and I would take this route every day to class passing the Národní Muzeum. This Museum holds centuries of Czech history documents and its evolution.

Interior shot of St. Nicholas's Church

St. Nicholas's Church

This beautiful Baroque church is filled with large statues and a facade on the ceiling. Baroque is known for its movement and drama. During the time it reflected the hierarchical and patriarchal society, being used by the church and rulers to persuade and impress. It was a style in which a combination of sculptures, paintings, and architecture were brought together to convey a single message. When visiting Saint Nicholas's church the Baroque style used this combination to convey this one message of the beauty of Heaven. As it was the church's motive to convert those that entered, the Baroque style accomplished that with the use of art. 

 The course, Golden City of Prague, took me to museums and certain key historical areas, where I was able to really understand historical events. I not only heard about it but also saw it with my own eyes. 

Study Abroad student with brother standing in front of Lennon Wall

Lennon Wall  

Here is a photo of my brother and I in front of Lennon Wall when he came to visit me. It represents freedom of speech and non-violent resistance of the Czech youth. The wall started in 1980, shortly after Lennon was murdered. 

 What I found most fascinating was the Jewish Quarter of Prague. Through many textbooks and history classes we learned about the tragedies of WWII and how it impacted the Jewish population within Europe. Seeing this with my own eyes gave me chills. Sometimes when it feels like a world away and like such ancient history, I was able to realize how recent it truly was and the effects it had to not only Europe, but the World. Seeing these effects made me fully understand and feel the history. 

Interior shot of the Pinkas Synagogue from balcony

The Pinkas Synagogue

During World War II most of the 44,000 Prague Jews perished in concentration camps and exterminations. This was seen in the Pinkas Synagogue as thousands of names filled the walls while mourning music filled the air.

View of the Jewish Old Cemetery

The Jewish Old Cemetery

Thousands of tombs fill this Jewish cemetery, as we remember the devastating reality of WWII. Certain stones consist of animals which represent a family's name. The larger stones shaped into a box represented those of importance.

Another aspect that I am grateful for from this course was gaining the relationships I made. My professor was so kind to the students and gained a personal connection with each student. Since she had lived in the Czech Republic her whole life, the knowledge she brought with her and shared with us was truly incredible and allowed us to be even more immersed into our surroundings.  

View of the Royal Gardens

The Royal Gardens

The Royal Garden is an Italian Renaissance garden situated in the Castle. It was created in 1534 and is still a beautiful garden to visit.

Interior shot with people inside the Church of Our Lady Victorious

Church of Our Lady Victorious

The students within my class are astonished as they walk into this Church containing Infant Jesus. By depicting Jesus as a child, the tradition emphasizes His humanity, and how we are children of God because of the salvation that He brings us. The church contained the infants' clothes that have been gifts from rulers around the World. They change the clothing on special occasions. 

 I believe the best way to learn is to fully immerse yourself in the environment, which I am forever grateful that I was able to do through the Golden City of Prague course. I hope everyone gets the chance to experience the history of Prague like I did. I have provided this photoset, but it is only a glimpse of Prague. I urge everyone to fully immerse themselves into the past of Prague! 

Photo inside the Národní Muzeum

Inside of  Národní Muzeum

The beautiful entrance where Mission Impossible was filmed. 

Study Abroad students taking a selfie with the Karlštejn Castle in the background

Karlštejn Castle 

A picture of my roommates and I attempting to take a selfie with the view of the Karlštejn Castle in the background. Karlštejn Castle was a day trip provided by CEA CAPA, we were able to explore the castle and eat a typical Czech meal! 



Alyse Applegate

Alyse Applegate is the Summer 2023 Alumni Ambassador in Prague, Czech Republic, and is currently studying at University of Michigan-Ann Arbor.