CEA CAPA Directory

Alyse Applegate, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Prague, Czech Republic

Summer 2023

Why was your cea capa program the right fit for you?
My Prague study abroad program was the right fit for me because it was in central Europe, allowing me to travel to many different countries! It was also affordable allowing me to fund my explorations. It was a beautiful city with so much to do.

What was your favorite class while Abroad, and why? 
My favorite class abroad was The Golden City of Prague: Past & Present. This class took us all around Prague to explore all the museums. I learned so much by seeing everything in person, and I walked away knowing more about Prague than I ever imagined. Also, my teacher was so kind and took us out to lunch on the last day of class!


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Alyse Applegate,  Alumni Ambassador