A Walk Through Grenoble

Grenoble is has a special place in my heart, here's a snapshot of why.
 Bubbles of Grenoble

One of the most iconic features of Grenoble are the bubbles. These spheres take you up the mountain to a breathtaking view of the city. Almost everyday you can see them make the trip up and down the lines. Passing over the Isere river, they are a central part of the landscape of the city.
 View of a street in Grenoble

Across from the bubbles, I snapped a typical street view in Grenoble. The city is fairly organized with similar architecture throughout. It's perfectly charming and pleasant to take a stroll through.
 The Bastille

The Bastille is an old fortress situated on the mountain that overlooks Grenoble.
 One of the many bakeries in Grenoble

Walking through the city, you can see the many bakeries lining the streets with delicious bread and yummy desserts.
 The Farmer's Market

The Farmer's Market is set up almost every morning in the center of town and offers fresh fruit and vegetables. It's a great place to get inspiration for making dinner!

Egan Osaki is the 2016 CEA MOJO Photographer in the French Alps. He is currently a junior at Soka University of America.

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