Istanbul Through the Eyes of a Study Abroad Student
Later, in the second half of my study abroad experience, I had an inkling to travel outside of the European Union to really get a taste of a new culture that I hadn't seen anything like before. I settled on booking travel to Istanbul, Turkey.
The view from Galata Tower facing the south of Istanbul.
A rainbow appears right after a storm in Downtown Istanbul right before sunset.
When I arrived, I was shocked at the welcoming nature of the people I had met and was even approached by multiple strangers offering their support and guidance to help me find the correct bus to take into the city to my hotel.
The sunset breaks the cloud cover over the 3rd largest mosque in Istanbul.
The street art is often very detailed and tasteful around the central alleys inside of Istanbul.
Journeying around the city was eye-opening and refreshing. I encountered many different beautiful mosques, parks, and restaurants. As it was my first night there, I decided to try a local kebab restaurant and was amazed at how delicious all of the numerous options were, as well as how affordable the food was in Istanbul.
Osmangazi Bridge is the biggest in all of Istanbul and is pictured shining bright over the harbor at night.
A cluster of river boats and water taxi’s wait for customers on Istanbul's South Bank.
Upon leaving the restaurant, my friends and I shopped for some new clothes and linen apparel we could bring back to Rome, and every single shop attendant we encountered was curious to hear where we were from. Many even asked us about Rome and our study abroad experience, and it was intriguing to hear how almost every country has its own version of a “study abroad” experience that their local students can partake in if they so choose.
The view of Istanbul from the Tower of Galata is expansive and can be seen best from a window out of the stairwell on the way to the top.
Istanbul’s Blue Mosque stands tall looking over the city.
The highlight of my experience had to be hiking and exploring all of the different sides of Istanbul. While there are many winding roads all around the city, I found myself getting lost in the architecture and the local sights seen along the way.
The Yami Keni Mosque is one of the most visited in the world and is in central Istanbul.
The detail on many of the mosques is intricate, as seen on the Yami Keni Mosque.
I have loved every single study abroad trip I have had the opportunity to go on so far; however, getting to experience a culture so unlike others I have been in previously has been very rewarding. I am thankful for the hospitality shown by the people of Istanbul, as it made the overall experience one, I will cherish for a long time.