Why I Miss the Little Things the Most During Study Abroad
Oftentimes, when people ask me what my study abroad experience was like, I tell them about all the places I visited, the extravagant activities I did, and the hilarious mix-ups or mistakes that happened along the way. However, what I have come to really miss as I look back on my study abroad experience is not all the grand moments—although I do miss those. Where my mind goes when I reminisce about my time abroad is to the small, simple, everyday parts that made up my lifestyle and routine in Aix-en-Provence.
This photo depicts the delicious variety of cheese, meats, and greens that are served as appetizers, which is usually enjoyed with bread and a glass of wine. Some of my favorite memories are of my friends and I gathered around a small table enjoying these savory treats and the evening air.
Moments in the market always made my day brighter and more enjoyable. I always loved walking around, soaking in the smell and color of the produce and flowers. It’s almost as good as tasting them later!
Sure, skiing in the Alps or seeing a castle in Lisbon was amazing, but those were extraordinary moments that stood out. The beautiful, subtle, and constant habits that made up my day or week are the parts of studying abroad that I really miss the most and wish I had back in the States.
Everyday as I walked back home, I would see the mountain, St Victoire, in the distance. It was so tall and beautiful, and my goal was to hike it before I left. We tried in the beginning of the semester but sadly ended up taking a couple wrong turns. A couple of us actually ended up trying again and getting to the top the weekend before leaving Aix and it was so worth it!
The walks to and from my apartment were not only my main source of exercise while abroad, but also a time where I could slow down, listen to music and process through my thoughts. I did not have to worry about driving, parking, and especially gas. Walking everywhere around the city slowed my pace and forced me to experience all the small aspects of the town.
I miss the refreshing walks between school and my apartment. I miss the market days when I could buy the most colorful and fresh produce for my evening dinners. I miss my photography class, where we would wander around town and take pictures of the mundane yet crucial parts that make up Aix.
My friends and I loved to walk around the city at night. It was a new perspective of the city than we normally see in the day. We would enjoy the quiet parts and also the loud and communal areas of the city that brought it life.
Park days were one of my favorites! This picture was taken on a beautiful day during the school week when we decided to go to the park after class and read. Just because it was a weekday, didn’t mean we couldn’t enjoy the grass and the sun!
I miss the hikes, the petite Madeleine shop, the late-night walks, and even the relaxing moments of enjoying the nightlife as my friends and I munched on cheese and crackers in the outdoor seating of restaurants.
France celebrates a lot of unique holidays. One of those is La Chandeleur, also known as National Crepe Day. My school hosted a crepe event where students could come and make their own crepe for free!
My friends and I loved to host dinner parties at our apartments/studios. This picture was taken on my birthday when I hosted a make-your-own-pizza night. It was so fun to have all my friends over and to eat together (:
I am so thankful for all the memories of traveling and learning about new cultures and foods in different parts of the world. And I will always talk about how exciting and adventurous that was. But I also want to highlight and honor how everyday life shaped my experience just the same, if not more.
CEA CAPA organized many events during the weeks and months we were in Aix-en-Provence. Sometimes the events were crafts, or excursions. However, this get-together was lunch at one of the local restaurants in town. This was the place I met most of my friends that I would later travel the world with. I’m thankful for the activities that CEA CAPA organized for us so that we could meet new people and make friends!
Aix had a very long road called Mirabeau in the center of town and on Saturdays, there would be tents and shops set up for people to buy clothes, jewelry, bags, accessories, etc. It was so fun to go with friends and look at all the different products they were selling. I still have jackets and rings from that market!
Studying abroad was not just a trip or a vacation; it was my life for a semester, and those small daily activities were what made it a lifestyle—not just a period of staying in a foreign country for four months. Without those little culminating moments in my week, it would not have been an accurate representation of what my life really looked like in Aix-en-Provence. I believe that those features of studying abroad are what season the experience, make it an authentic life abroad, and differentiate it from all the others.