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Meet Emma Malone: Official London TikToker for Spring 2023

February 08, 2023
by Emma Malone

University: University of Pittsburgh
Major: Politics and Philosophy
Study Abroad Location: London, England
Internship Placement: Whizz-Kidz

Why did you choose to study abroad?
It is definitely a cliche but I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. Pittsburgh has become a second home at this point and while I have a lot of love for my school I was itching for new experiences. Studying abroad, specifically London, gives me the opportunity to take classes unique to the city and culture while gaining a more comprehensive understanding of my major. It might sound a little nerdy but I find it super cool that I get to study where some of the most integral political concepts and philosophical thinkers originated.

What is one new experience you're hoping to have while abroad?
Although I am not the biggest fan of the sport, I have always wanted to go to a Premier League game. Ever since I watched Ted Lasso I have not stopped thinking about being in an arena of that size amongst such passionate fans. Coming from a city like Philadelphia, my passion for my city and its sports is similar and I am looking forward to finding atmospheres in London that replicate it.

What is something you're passionate and excited about?
Out of my many hobbies, cooking is by far my favorite; I consider it one of my love languages. There is something really special to me about sharing a meal with friends and family. Lately, I have been trying to learn some new Korean recipes and it has been going pretty well. I just mastered a dish called Oi Muchim, which translates to cucumbers tossed/coated in sauce. The refreshing nature of the cold cucumbers paired with the vibrant Korean chili flake, Gochugaru, makes for an addictive salad.

What class are you most looking forward to taking while abroad?
I am super excited for my Urban Studies course called Analyzing and Exploring the Global City. This class focuses on field studies where we will get the chance to explore London's diverse set of neighborhoods and geographies. Since I am a visual and experiential learner this class is going to be right up my alley.

What is a personal and professional goal you hope to achieve during your study abroad program this semester?
In all honesty, my personal goals are constantly changing. I find that I think so much about the future that I lose sight of the present. As a college student I am always working towards due dates and planning ahead. So, my current goal is to be more current. I only have so long to be in my twenties and while I have a lot of goals for myself, I also want to experience my life as it happens. I want to continue to be a good friend, daughter, and older sister. And most importantly, I want to always stay true to myself.

Professionally speaking, working on a political campaign has been a goal of mine since middle school. During the summer and fall of 2021 I was able to intern on Josh Shapiro's campaign for governor of Pennsylvania. Being in this role solidified my interest in politics. Working amongst like-minded, energetic young professionals really changed my outlook on post-grad work. More recently I have been considering the possibility of teaching (something middle-school me would not have guessed). Strong communities are built on good education. However, most public school curriculums leave out major historical events and critical topics (like sex ed). This is another instance where my interests intersect. Local politicians are responsible for the development of curriculum, so electing the right ones is vital. Wherever my career may lead me, I will continue to positively impact those around me.

What can we look forward to in your posts?
You can look forward to content that makes you feel the strong urge to open a study abroad application portal. I am looking forward to exploring the less traveled corners of London and giving those at home a chance to see what the city has to offer beneath the touristy spots. A couple of my friends that live in and around London have offered to show me each of their favorite spots which is going to make for some really cool TikToks.

Emma Malone is the Content Creator - Videographer.
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