How to Craft a Self-Pitch for an Internship Experience

It can be challenging to convey what we’ve gained and learned from an internship abroad experience. After virtually interning abroad for an organization in Seville, Spain, through CEA during the summer of 2020, I found myself wondering how exactly to market what I had learned as a virtual curriculum development intern to future employers and new connections. However, after truly mulling over the experience, analyzing the work I had completed and the exchanges I had, and assessing the parts of my professional sense of self that aligned with my internship, crafting a self-pitch around my experience became easier and clearer.

In this short, one-minute video, I explain how to successfully craft a self-pitch around an internship experience. First, think about what you want to convey about yourself as a result of promoting the internship experience. Second, be confident and comfortable in the work you’ve done and the organization you worked for.

Third, think about how your internship will help you in your future career goals and endeavors.

Angela Richard

Angela Richard is the Seville, Spain (Virtual), Summer 2020 Alumni Ambassador in Granada, Spain, Spring 2020, and is currently studying at Champlain College.