360 Experience - Biking in Colonia, Uruguay


As the Buenos Aires weather shifted from a hot summer to a slightly cooler fall, students in the CEA Study Abroad program in Argentina had the opportunity to take a day trip to Colonia, Uruguay. Traveling to Colonia consisted of students taking a ferry from Argentina to Uruguay. Once in Colonia, students had the chance to learn about Colonia's history, and they had free time to explore the small city. To find out more about Colonia, read this 2015 MOJO article explaining the city's history with conflict. Watch this 360 degree video to experience what it's like renting and riding bicycles in Colonia.




Elena P. is the Spring 2018 MOJO Photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently a Junior studying Media Production at Ithaca College.

Elena Piech

Elena Piech is the Spring 2018 CEA MOJO Photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is currently studying at Ithaca College.