Life Changing

Growing up, many people develop a natural curiosity of the world around them. Somewhere unknown and some place different is exciting. Though hard to explain why, the allure of traveling is powerful. "The interaction with other cultures and realities is something that has always interested me", said Maggie Banchs, Program Director for CEA. "I studied abroad, and it changed my life in such a positive way that I knew I had to stay in the field".

International studies continue to become more prominent in university curriculum, as many students yearn for a chance to live and study abroad. An increasingly interconnected and globalized world means that citizens are better suited by having international experience. Considering this trend, Maggie said, "The world is very veering, humans are in constant evolution, and education is a key factor in this equation. I see international education turning into something a lot more flexible and fast-paced than what it is now. The geographic borders are going to be a lot less important, and the flexibility is going to allow us to provide an experience much more globalized".

CEA, as a company, strives to be on the forefront of the increasing wave of international cooperation and multiculturalism. "CEA has become a more mature organization; we are more well-rounded. You can feel how the organization cares for the industry, its employees, and students in a more structured and organized way. We're always looking to improve, innovate, and leave a mark on the international education world by committing to our vision and values". When asked about CEA's future, Maggie said "In 10 years, I see CEA as a leader in the market of study abroad and international education, and as an organization that is constantly growing and improving, and creating our own trends".

After experiencing life abroad and coming home, Maggie shifted her focus from student of CEA to mentor and professional. "When I started at CEA, I was very young (23 years old), and my beginning was about interacting with students at a very close level from them. I was very close to their age, and had my study abroad experience very fresh in my spirit and mind. Now, I'm in my mid-30's and still feel a strong connection with the students, but now it comes from a different perspective. Now I want to teach them, be an example for them, and mentor them on how great the experience is, and how they can use it to be successful in their lives".

Work is an important staple in life; purpose and a sense of fulfillment are some of what make a job rewarding. The opportunity to grow, travel, mentor, and share many experiences with different people is part of what makes CEA great. "After studying abroad and working with CEA, I know this is my call in life".

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