My Home Away From Home - Buenos Aires

I knew before studying abroad in Buenos Aires that I wanted to experience my time abroad in a homestay. I came here with the goal of bettering my Spanish speaking skills. I knew by living with a family that I would definitely be practicing everyday. I'm happy to say that has definitely been the case! My host mom, who is so sweet and caring, only talks with me and my roommates in Spanish. My host brother, who is fourteen and very funny, also speaks to me in Spanish. He is learning English in school, so it’s fun to hear him speak a little bit of it! We also  have Flor, their dog and Navidad, their pet turtle.
 Peaceful afternoon reading in the living room. :)

Every Monday-Saturday my host mom provides breakfast for us! It varies depending on what she makes, but there is always fruit, coffee, tea, bread and jam. You know, the essentials. The breakfasts here are a lot different than I am used to, bbut in order to experience the Argentine life, you learn to make it work!
 My host mom always puts so much love in all she does. The way she sets up breakfast for us is the cutest.

Lunch isn’t provided throughout the day, but there are so many small markets or supermarkets surrounding my homestay that I haven’t had a problem getting something quick to eat during the day.

Since they eat so late than I do back at home in the U.S., I need a snack at around 5 or 6pm. Dinner for me usually starts around 8:30-9 depending on the day. I normally end dinner around 10-10:30 with some dessert! Argentines value family time, so we talk about anything and everything during and after dinner!

 Flower stand down the street! :) I love walking past these.

My host mom has a fairly big family. Her mom has come over for dinner a few times and her sister and 2 year old niece have joined us in the morning for breakfast. One of my host mom’s good friend and son has been over a few times too!

The location of my homestay is about a 10 minute walk from my university! I have a gym right across the street, endless options of cute, casual restaurants and parks just fifteen minutes away.

I love being in a homestay. My host family teaches me a lot about social and political changes in Buenos Aires. They have helped my find different places to go! It is so special to make connections and get to know people who live in a completely different part of the world!

 One night we ate dinner outside on the balcony!
 View from my window. The city goes on & on!

I’ve been able to see first hand how Argentines live. I’ve been able to learn about what is different for them here compared to my life at home. They have opened my eyes to see a new way of life and I really enjoy their company!
I will be forever thankful for everything my host mom has done for me and how she and my host brother made me feel so welcome and a part of their family.

Summer S. is the Spring 2017 MOJO Blogger in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently a Junior studying Education & Spanish at University of Wisconsin – La Crosse.

Summer Selden

Summer Selden is the Spring 2017 CEA MOJO Blogger in Buenos Aires, Argentina in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is currently studying at University of Wisconsin- La Crosse.