A Trip to Toledo

One of the reasons I chose to study abroad with CEA is because of all the excursions they include. We do long weekend trips to incredible places such as Barcelona and Sevilla, but also do day trips as well. Last month we took a trip to a small city about an hour from Madrid called Toledo. A bunch of CEA students packed in a large bus and headed out to see the city.

Before arriving, I didn’t know what to expect because I hadn’t heard anything about Toledo previously. I fell asleep for most of the drive but woke up to this incredible view.

 Overlooking the city of Toledo
 My friends Mary, D, and I with our amaze view

We took some tourist-y pics and headed to our first destination: the famous Cathedral of Toledo.
 Heading to the Cathedral...
 Toledo Cathedral
 Inside the Cathedral!

We spent time learning about the history of Catholicism in Toledo, and looking at the amazing architecture. I normally like going to cathedrals in Spain because I am catholic. I have learned to appreciate my religion so much more here because everyone here is catholic, and there are so many beautiful cathedrals and churches to see.

After the cathedral it was about 2:30 and we were starving. Silvia and Álvaro, our directors, gave us about two hours to explore the city a bit on our own. We heard there was some zip lining so we ate quickly and went to find it.

When we got there we were soooo lucky because there was no line! It was only 10 euros to go two times zip lining across the most beautiful river.
 Getting ready to go zip lining with Mary and D
 Inside el Greco

We finished the day at the El Greco museum, named after an extremely famous painter who died in Toledo. I’m usually not big into art, but this was very cool to see because I have studied El Greco since I was a junior in high school. I recognized a lot of the paintings and thought the tour was an awesome experience.

Our day went by super fast but it was so fun! I loved seeing Toledo and am so grateful that I had the experience to go with CEA :)

 The Toledo Crew

Gracie D. is the Spring 2017 MOJO blogger in Madrid, Spain.  She is currently a Junior studying integrated marketing communications at the University of Mississippi.


Gracie Darland

Gracie Darland is the Spring 2017 CEA MOJO Blogger in Madrid, Spain in Madrid, Spain, and is currently studying at University of Mississippi.