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Street Performers of London

November 21, 2016
by James Longenderfer

London is known for its incredible artistic influence, so it’s no surprise that street performers are extremely common throughout the city. In this post, I’ll highlight some of the different areas where you can find them, as well as show the different types of performers that you will come across studying abroad in London.

The Tube

 A man with a classical guitar plays in the hallways of the Northern Line

The most common area for street performers to perform is the Tube. Given the high amount of foot traffic from everyday commuters, it's a perfect spot to for artists to be heard. Here you find musicians of all types: acoustic and electric guitarists, saxophonists, violinists. I've even seen a man playing a harp before, which is such a pleasurable thing to come across during my daily commute.

South Bank

 A cheerful poet offers his hand-written poems outside the Globe Theatre

The walking area along the South Bank is full of performers of all types. One of the more memorable ones I've encountered was a poet that was set up just outside Shakespeare's Globe Theatre, unsuprisingly. He had a "magic carpet of poems" that he offered in exchange for a donation, and would read them aloud to you if requested. I also had a brief conversation with him; and I can assure you he is just as delightfully British as you can imagine.

Trafalgar Square

 A gravity-defying Yoda in Trafalgar Square

Trafalgar Square is a prime location for street performers, due to its high concentration of tourists walking about. Here you'll find performers dressed up in various costumes such as Yoda, suspended above the ground. Musicians and other artists can also be found here, such as a man who gathers crowd to perform a limbo under a bar that has lit on fire.
 This man performs a limbo under a flaming bar, with spikes beneath his back

Camden Town

 A guitarist performs on the bridge by Camden Market

Camden Town is a very creative area of London, and has a strong music scene. Here you'll find guitarists and singers, such as this soloist set up on the bridge by Camden Market. Artists are also found here, doing spray paint art in front of crowds.
 A spray paint artist in Camden Town


 A pair of beat boxers perform just outside the Old Street Sainsbury's

Shoreditch is similar to Camden Town in that it has a large population of creatives that liven up the streets. Here you'll find musicians performing on street corners, such as this pair of beat boxers just outside the Old Street Sainsbury's. They obviously picked a good spot, as they attracted huge crowds of people passing by who stop to dance to the vocal-made beats.

James L. is the Fall 2016 CEA MOJO in London, England. He is currently a senior studying Business Management at West Chester University of Pennsylvania

James Longenderfer is the Fall 2016 CEA MOJO Blogger in London, England, and is currently studying at West Chester University of Pennsylvania.
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