It truly is amazing that we've been in a new city for this crazy city for over three months, yet every day we find something new. One of favorite parts of studying abroad is there is no time to get into boring routine because every day abroad should be a new experience. I find myself never on my phone (sorry Mom, I'm still fine I promise!) because studying abroad is truly all about living in the moment. Barcelona, in my unbiased slightly biased opinion, is the best place in the world to study abroad. The culture, the people, the weather, the food, the sites, the beach…I could go on for hours about how perfect it is. I've caught myself thinking countless times while in Barcelona how truly special studying abroad is. We have less than a month left and as the weather here warms up I'm thinking maybe we can extend this study abroad thing through the summer at least…I wish.
Barcelona truly has everything that makes studying abroad what it is. I truly mean it when I say that no picture or video captures the beauty or life of Barcelona. It is not just scenic beauty that you'll experience. but an atmosphere that breathes excitement. There's no such thing as a bad mood while studying abroad or being too tired to go see a new site because we have no time for that. A semester studying abroad flies by like no other, but after these four months I know that this city and these people have become my second home.
Kevin Mooney is the Spring 2016 CEA MOJO Blogger in Barcelona, Spain. He is currently a junior at the University of South Carolina.