Buenos Aires is a sprawling city filled vitality and life. However, for some, the high rises and towering buildings can become exhausting. Much like New York City, Buenos Aires offers a place to escape the bustle of city life in the parks of Palermo. Set in the heart of the city, the parks of Palermo allow you jog, go to the planetarium, walk among the striking flowers of the rose garden, boat on the pond, or simply lay on the grass and soak in the sun with friends.
Galileo Galilei Planetarium |
Waterside Park |
By day, the Planetarium is a unique architectural space filled with young children and families viewing the hourly space education screenings. Then at night, it transforms into a beacon of the Parks of Palermo shooting of celestial blue lights into the sky. Planetarium Galileo Galilei holds special events at night to when certain planets, and other celestial occurrences are visible, free of charge. The parks are filled daily with both tourists and locals attending music festivals, art shows, and other events every weekend. Buenos Aires is an extremely diverse city, and the parks of Palermo tap into yet another way of life here in Argentina.
Pond in Bosques de Palermo, Buenos Aires |
Dancing Girl |
Gates of the Rose Garden in Bosques de Palermo, Buenos Aires |
Janie Barber is the Fall 2015 MOJO Photographer in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She is currently a Sophomore at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.