I've always been a huge fan of snack food. Since arriving in Ireland, I've seen many new snacks that aren't available or common in The States. My roommate, a fellow American CEA study abroad student, and I bought a few snacks at the local grocery store and recorded our reactions, some good and some not so good! It just goes to show how each culture has different taste preferences when it comes to food, even snack foods! Regardless of whether I found it good or bad, it was still a new experience and fun little experiment!
We tried:
Chipsticks: salt and vinegar
Rowntree's Randoms
Tayto chips: Smokey Bacon
Kinder Surprise
Crunchie Bar
Tayto chips: Cheese and Onion
Rachel Balon is the Fall 2014 CEA MOJO in Galway, Ireland. She is currently a senior at Keystone College.