The Culture of Food in Rome

Italian culture is very unique. To best immerse yourself into it I’d say you should use all your senses to get the full experience. Taste, smell, sight, sound, and touch will help you understand all aspects of the Italian culture. Food is an enormous part of Italian culture. Food is everywhere. Walking through the streets of Italy, no matter the city, allows you to see and smell wonderful Italian cuisine. These temptations make us all want to eat. Coincidentally, eating is something Italians do best. They know how to eat, but living here how could you not enjoy food? It’s impossible.

In America food is a commodity, we eat to live, not to enjoy. Americans don’t enjoy their food, we simply consume. Italians have a passion for food. They don’t just consume, they take pleasure in what they eat. It’s almost as if nothing in life could ever make their meal better. Food in Italy is the culture. It’s important to stop and relish in what you are eating, and delicious Italian food makes that easy.

Fresh food is popular. There are many markets to choose from that have selections of fruits and vegetables, varieties of meat and fish and sweets. Grocery shopping is done often because the food is so fresh it spoils quickly. This makes meals very special and delicious. It is an art to created a meal, and it is enjoyed like a masterpiece.

Food is something to rave about. It is tasted, smelt, seen, made, and talked about. Grasping all the human senses makes it a very real substance that Italians love. The culture of food is an acquired love, but it is easy to do so. To enjoy food the way Italians do is to fully immerse oneself into the Italian culture. It may be difficult to learn the language, or navigate your way around, but to learn the love of food is easy and important.
Dana Bartone is the CEA Spring 2013 MOJO in Rome, Italy

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