A Beautiful Week in the Western Cape of South Africa

Hello! Welcome back to South Africa. This past week I was fortunate enough to go on the NMMU (and CEA paid for) trip to the Western Cape of South Africa...primarily Cape Town. This trip was a very busy week, but full of really fun and cool new experiences. We started off our trip with a night at a township home stay followed by a trip up Table Mountain, a trip to Robben Island, a drive to Cape Point, and a day of ostrich farms and cave tours. I hope these pictures will help illustrate the amazing week in Cape Town. 

Nelson Mandela's cell which is located in the high
security prison on Robben Island

3 of the 8 grandchildren of our host family! They were so sweet!
From left to right: Whitey, Niki, Kanyo

The cable car to the top of Table Mountain

The lighthouse on the top of Cape Point (where
the Atlantic and Indian oceans supposedly meet)

This was not part of our week tour, but if you have
a free day in Cape Town you HAVE to try this place.
BEST Asian Tapas!

Beautiful view from the top of Cape Point

We went chocolate tasting! Mmmm

Cango Caves! Definitely one of the funnest tours on this trip!

The path we went through in the Cango Caves. This was the
Adventure Tour and should definitely be chosen over the
Standard Tour!

Meet Betsy! She is one of the many ostriches we met
at the Ostrich Farm. 

We walked up to this waterfall at night and jumped off the
cliffs edge. It was really beautiful and so fun!

This is my friend Mira, from Madagascar. She is standing next
to two "actual size" pictures of tunnels that we got to crawl
through on the Adventure Tour.

On the final day of our trip, we stayed at this beautiful and
isolated little farm!

These are just a few pictures from one of the most amazing weeks so far in South Africa. Hope you enjoyed the pictures!

Until next time,
Michelle Peniche
Spring 2013 CEA MOJO in Port Elizabeth, South Africa

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