Every year, CEA hosts about two or three Familiarization Trips (more affectionately known as “Fam Trips”) at its various locations around the world. This March 10-15th, the new CEA location in San José played host to eleven university professors and international office staff from the United States to help them understand more in-depth what happens at CEA Costa Rica.
The purpose of the visit was for Fam Trip attendees to gain understanding about the student experience, learn more about the program itself and the academic content featured, and meet and network with colleagues from the United States and around the world. This year’s Costa Rica Fam Trip was a rousing success: the visitors enjoyed tours around San José, Volcán Poás, and Doka Coffee Plantation. They also enjoyed visits to student housing, a tour of Universidad Veritas, firsthand observation of Spanish and elective classes, and lessons about Costa Rican history and culture, and endemic foods. The various activities were fun for all, check out some photos!

The CEA group receives a city tour from San José aficionado, Filander.
Leo, the man with the plan, showing off the Veritas University campus!
Some Fam Trip participants observing an intermediate Spanish class at Veritas.
A pizza social at the new CEA office – the teachers got to meet and interact with the students!

Visiting faculty enjoying the new outdoor area!

CEA representatives and a Fam Trip participant enjoying the Doka coffee estate as a fun excursion!

The helpful students enjoying Volcán Poás along with the group!

The CEA group walking through some clouds at Volcán Poás.

Students and participants enjoying a chat and some pizza at the new location.

A faculty member demonstrating the coffee-picker’s apparatus during the tour of the Doka Coffee Estate.
Spring 2013 CEA MOJO Macey Hallstedt, bringing you the Pura Vida from San José, Costa Rica!