Learn the Lingo: Spanish Language Life Savers

Sometimes, learning a new language can be scary - especially when you're in a different country. But with the help of our international staff and a few friendly tips, you'll have a language life saver to keep you afloat in your courses.

Academic Director Leo Duran in San José put together some Spanish classroom lingo for students studying abroad in Costa Rica this fall semester, and so far, it sounds like it's really helping out. Below you'll find a list of phrases he translated.

If your a Spanish language student, take a look! You may discover some useful information. If your not a Spanish language student, still check it out. Make a list of the English phrases and take them to your language professor to help you translate.

Leo's Spanish Life Savers


¿Cómo se dice “(English word)” en español? = How do you say "English word" in Spanish?

2. ¿Qué significa “(Spanish word)”? = What does "Spanish word" mean?

3. ¿Podría repetir por favor? = Could you please repeat?

4. ¿Podría escribirlo en la pizarra por favor? = Could you please write it on the board?

5. ¿Podría deletrear la palabra? = Could you please spell the word for me?

6. ¿Cómo se pronuncia esta palabra? = How do you pronounce this word?

7. ¿Podría darme un ejemplo por favor? = Could you please provide an example?

8. ¡Más despacio por favor! = More slowly please!

9. No entiendo, ¿podría por favor explicarme de nuevo? = I don't understand. Could you please explain one more time?

10. ¿Podría repetir qué tenemos que hacer por favor? = Could you please repeat what we're supposed to do? (When you don't understand directions given)

11.  ¿Podría por favor escribir la tarea en la pizarra? = Could you please write the homework on the board?

12. ¡Lo siento, pero sigo sin entender! = I'm sorry, but I still don't understand!  


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