Buenos Aires Alum Reflects on Study Abroad

  Nicole Sapiro studied abroad in Buenos Aires in Spring 2009. An accomplished photographer, one of the photos she shot in Buenos Aires was selected from more than 1,300 photos as a runner-up for Glimpse.org, a partner website of National Geographic. Here are her experiences.

Prior to going abroad, many people told me that spending six months in another country would “change” me. I often heard that I would gain invaluable skills and characteristics that would shape me into a stronger and more independent person, more capable of facing the world. What I didn’t hear was that spending six months in a foreign country would allow me incredible time for self-reflection and the opportunity to express it artistically. And the funny thing is, that is exactly what happened. My semester in Buenos Aires, Argentina encouraged me to funnel my real life experiences into capturing the beauty of my surroundings. As I became more comfortable in the city, the quality of my photos exponentially improved. Thanks to my academic classes and experiences with CEA, my connection to the city grew, and as a result, my photography improved.

Additionally, any photographer will tell you that a huge part of taking a picture is being in the right place at the right time. By incorporating what I learned in my classes and the suggestions of the CEA advisors, I was able to go on photographic excursions through the city to capture some incredible moments and objects. The opportunity to relate to and understand a city transcended into my photography, and I will take that lesson with me in all of my future photographic journeys.

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