H1N1 Preparedness for Study Abroad Students

With a lot of conversation and headlines regarding the H1N1 virus recently, CEA Study Abroad Programs undertook a thorough review of their policies and response guidelines. Valuing my experience as a consultant in health and higher education, they asked me to conduct this review and provide any additional information that would improve their preparedness policy and the following of best practices. All of this is in an effort for CEA to be fully informed and ready to respond to any health-related situation around the world. You can go to the full policy or review a list of helpful hints that CEA recommends for students and parents, providing ways to do your best to stay healthy and for dealing with seasonal and H1N1 flu situations. CEA places a premium on the overall service they provide parents and students and works to ensure they deliver the best educational experience abroad. Important H1N1 (Swine) Flu Prevention and Response Information for the CEA Community A letter for parents regarding H1N1 and CEA's study abroad programs - Cheryl T. Samuels, PhD Health and Safety Consultant

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