Robot Interaction - Period 1

STEM in Amsterdam Program
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Dates: mid Aug 2025 - late Dec 2025

STEM in Amsterdam

Robot Interaction - Period 1

Robot Interaction - Period 1 Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Primary Subject Area: Computer Sciences
Instruction in: English
Course Code: XB_0040
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 200
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 84


Robot Interaction addresses various aspects that come into play when physically present robots interact with humans. This course focuses mainly on social robots, humanoids in particular, suited for communicative purposes. We will discuss both sides of the coin: perspectives from the robot-side as well as perspectives from the user-side.

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) awards credits based on the ECTS system. Contact hours listed under a course description may vary due to the combination of lecture-based and independent work required for each course therefore, CEA's recommended credits are based on the ECTS credits assigned by VU Amsterdam. 1 ECTS equals 28 contact hours assigned by VU Amsterdam.

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