SPN 4330 Selected Topics in Spanish Literature

Medical Spanish & Health Sciences Program
San Jose, Costa Rica

Dates: 1/4/20 - 3/28/20

Medical Spanish & Health Sciences

SPN 4330 Selected Topics in Spanish Literature

SPN 4330 Selected Topics in Spanish Literature Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Veritas University
Location: San José, Costa Rica
Primary Subject Area: Spanish Language & Literature
Instruction in: Spanish
Course Code: SPN 4330
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 400
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 48
Prerequisites: Place in Advanced I or pass SPN 202 Intermediate Spanish II


The student acquires a general vision of Spanish literature from its beginnings to the first half of contemporary literature (20th century). In addition, the student becomes familiar with a general overview of each period in which Spanish literature has been divided, as well as its main characteristics. The most representative texts of the exponents of each period are also studied.
This course answers the question: How can the student of Spanish as a second language acquire a chronological perspective of the development of Spanish literature from its beginnings until the beginning of the 20th century and recognize its main representatives?

El estudiante adquiere una visión general de la literatura española desde sus inicios hasta la primera mitad de la literatura contemporánea (SXX). Además, se familiariza con una visión general de cada período en los que se ha dividido la literatura española, así como sus principales características. También se estudian los textos más representativos der los exponentes de cada período.
Este curso responde a la pregunta ¿Cómo lograr que el estudiante de español como segunda lengua adquiera una perspectiva cronológica del desarrollo de la literatura española desde sus inicios hasta el inicio del SXX y reconozca sus representantes principales?