LEG 206 Moot Court

International Business Program
Prague, Czech Republic

Dates: 2/1/22 - 5/24/22

International Business

LEG 206 Moot Court

LEG 206 Moot Court Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Anglo-American University
Location: Prague, Czech Republic
Primary Subject Area: Law
Instruction in: English
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 200
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 42
Prerequisites: Completion of LEG 101/LBS 101 with a B or higher


The main objective is to provide non-law bachelor's degree students with both a theoretical foundation and practical experience in international dispute resolution. An interest in developing writing skills and oral advocacy skills is required, but the course is taught to accommodate students who may not have a previous background in studying law.

Students will work in two teams in a fictitious international dispute, the facts of which will be outlined for students in the "moot court compromise" - this document will form the basis of further student work. The student teams will also be composed of law students from the University of London LLB programme, who will be registered separately for a full-year moot court class for law students. By combining law-students and non-law students in the moot court exercise, students will gain practical multidisciplinary experience which reflects very well the kind of multidisciplinary cooperation between lawyers and business/commerce professions that takes place in such disputes when representing clients.

Students will also learn and apply methodological and writing skills while preparing both written submissions (written pleadings). In addition, students will practice oral argumentation skills when preparing for the final oral moot court session (presentation of oral arguments before a panel of judges).

Students will also participate as judges in oral practice sessions held in the first half of the course, judging the practice sessions of the existing University of London moot court student team.

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