Applied Physics II

Humanities & Social Sciences Program
Alicante, Spain

Dates: 9/4/19 - 12/21/19

Humanities & Social Sciences

Applied Physics II

Applied Physics II Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: University of Alicante
Location: Alicante, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Physics
Other Subject Area: Architecture
Instruction in: English
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 200
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 60
Prerequisites: Applied Physics I


Applied Physics 2 is a basic subject of the degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. Together with Applied Physics 1, it provides an introduction to the basics of Physics. The main objective of this subject is to develop scientific-technical capacities necessary for professional practice in architecture.

The architect graduate should be able to use the first and second law of thermodynamics and solve problems applying these laws, explain harmonic oscillations, damped oscillations and forced oscillations and treat such oscillations mathematically, understand and explain the concept of wave lore, explain the first and second laws of thermodynamics and solve problems applying these laws, and explain the principles of light. What we do is to show problematic situations related to architecture (open problems relevant to the architect student) where we have to think about possible solutions doing research, and not necessarily requiring a numerical answer. This methodology facilitates the autonomy and responsibility of the students, the interactivity teacher-student and student-student, and shows the connection between physics and other areas of knowledge.

Course will consist of 60hrs of in class work and 90 hrs of independent work outside the classroom.

Course includes a lab component.

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