Get up to $500 in flight credits or grants toward study or internship programs abroad when you apply by March 15, 2025. See our Official Rules for full details.
Generalities and Operating Environment. --> Systems of units. ISA. Airspeeds. Wind and ground speed. Flight envelopes. Cruise Performance. --> Flight performance. Steady level flight. Range and loiter optimization. Climb and Ground Performance. --> Climb performance. Take-off analysis. Landing analysis. Design Process and Quick Sizing. --> Phases of aircraft design. Airworthiness. Quick mass sizing. Thrust-to-Weight Ratio and Wing Loading. --> Definition of T/W and W/S and typical values. Design criteria for T/W and W/S. Drag model. Propulsive model. Design Weights and Range. --> Mass subdivision. Design weights. Payload-Range diagram. Aircraft Configuration. --> Wing geometry. Additional surfaces on wing. Fuselage layout. Tail layout. Structural Loads. --> General loads concepts. Flight and mass envelopes. Balanced NZ conditions. Discrete gusts. Combat Aircrafts. --> Supersonic flight. Fighters configuration and specific design criteria.
Get a Flight Credit worth up to $500 when you apply with code* by March 15, 2025