Integrated Information Systems

Engineering & Social Sciences Program
Madrid, Spain

Dates: 1/18/24 - 6/5/24

Engineering & Social Sciences

Integrated Information Systems

Integrated Information Systems Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Computer Sciences
Instruction in: English
Course Code: 17656
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 300
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 42


1 - Management Information Systems vs. Business Processes
1.1.- Management Information Systems. Concept, Typology
1.2.- Business processes vs. Functions
1.3.- Business processes and Management Information Systems
1.4.- Business transactions and Information transactions
2 - Interfunctional Business Processes and Integrated Information Systems (ERP)
2.1.- Integration challenges in interfunctional business processes
2.2.- Functional MIS
2.3.- Interfunctional Business Processes and Integrated Information Systems (ERP)
2.4.- Common Database. Implications
3 - ERP procurement and selection
3.1.- ERP make vs. buy decision
3.2.- The ERP market. Concentration. Typology
3.3.- Commercial ERP systems vs. Open Source systems
3.4.- ERP selection and procurement process
3.5.- Selection of the Database Management System (DBMS)
4 - ERP customization
4.1.- Current process design vs. implicit design within the ERP. Challenges and approaches
4.2.- Adapting the current practice. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
4.3.- Adapting the ERP. Parameterization vs. customization.
5 - ERP implementation
5.1.- ERP implementation projects
5.2.- Gradual vs. Big Bang implementation approaches
5.3.- Key players. Consultants, internal teams
5.4.- ERP post-implementation
6 - ERP infrastructure
6.1.- Alternative approaches to ERP infrastructure deployment
6.2- Implications of adopting IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) approaches
6.3- Implications of adopting SaaS (Software as a Service) approaches
7 - IS-supported decision making. Approaches
8 - Key challenges: Privacy, data protection
9 - Practical cases

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