Origins of the State and of Political Ideas in the Ancient and Medieval World

Engineering & Social Sciences Program
Madrid, Spain

Dates: early Sep 2025 - mid Dec 2025

Engineering & Social Sciences

Origins of the State and of Political Ideas in the Ancient and Medieval World

Origins of the State and of Political Ideas in the Ancient and Medieval World Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain
Primary Subject Area: History
Instruction in: English
Course Code: 17687
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 100
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 42


Description of contents: programme
1. Historiography of State Theories.
2. The transformation of hunting societies into agricultural. Process of social hierarchy: from the village to the city. Chiefdom societies. The emergence of the state and the teologization of inequality.
3. State structures in Egypt, Mesopotamia and the Aegean: the cases of Crete and Mycenae.
4. The polis and its political essays in Archaic Greece. Democracy as an exception. The ligues.
5. Political theories in the Greek world.
6. The structures of the Roman Republic. Imperialism as a model.
7. Theory and practice of the Roman Empire. Political thought in Rome and the transformation of government. The Christian Empire.
8. The state in the Middle Ages: debates on its nature and forms. The theory of the state in the Middle Ages: ideas, authors and texts.
9. The process of formation of the medieval states. The early medieval state: from the Germanic kingdoms to the Carolingian empire (6th-9th centuries).
10. State and Church: a binomial of power and its fight for supremacy in the West. Articulation Church-State in the East.
11. The medieval survival of the Roman Empire: the Byzantine state and its development (6th-15th centuries).
12. Feudalism and power of the king over the territory. Functions of the state, beginnings of popular representation of the power and constitutionality.
13. The Arab state, its history and development in the Mediterranean area (8th-14th centuries).
14. Structures and institutions of the medieval states of Western Europe (10th-14th centuries).

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