Chemistry I

Engineering & Social Sciences Program
Madrid, Spain

Dates: early Sep 2025 - mid Dec 2025

Engineering & Social Sciences

Chemistry I

Chemistry I Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Chemistry
Instruction in: English
Course Code: 18298
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 100
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 42
Prerequisites: It is recommended to have studied chemistry in previous courses


1. Atomic structure of matter: Hydrogen Atom. Quantum numbers, electronic configurations. Periodic Table and Periodic Properties.
2. Molecular structure: Bonding, H2 Molecule, Bond Valence Theory. Molecular Orbital (MO) Theory: diatomic and polyatomic molecules. Hybridization.
3. Inorganic chemistry. Hydrogen; halogen and noble gases group; nitrogen and oxygen group; carbon, metals and transition metals groups.
4. Gases and liquids. Kinetic theory of gases, Ideal gases and real gases, Liquids, Conductivity of electrolyte solutions, Mobility and interactions between ions. Solutions: Thermodynamic description of solutions. Properties of solutions. Colligative properties.
5. Solids: Chemical bond in solids. Types of solids: ionic, metallic and macromolecular. Cohesion Energies. Crystal structure
6. Introduction to phase transitions. Phase diagrams of a single component. Phase diagrams of two components.
7. Thermochemistry: Energy changes in chemical reaction, Enthalpy of State Change and enthalpy of reaction. Heat Capacity. Entropy and free energy of reaction. Spontaneity. Calculation of thermodynamic magnitudes in chemical reactions.
8. Chemical Equilibrium: Nature. Equilibrium Constants. Factors that affect chemical equilibrium(pressure, temperature, concentration, partial pressure)
9. Chemical equilibrium in aqueous solutions: Acids and bases. Acidity and basicity constants. pH: Scale and calculation. Salts and hydrolisis. Acids and polyprotic bases. Buffer solutions. Titrations
10. Solubility Equilibrium: Solubility Product Constant. Common ion effect. Selective precipitation
11. Chemical kinetics: reaction rate, methods for determining the kinetic equation, reaction mechanism, activation energy, unimolecular reactions, kinetics of complex reactions: chain reactions, polymerization

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