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CEA CAPA Partner Institution: University of Viña del Mar
Location: Viña del Mar, Chile
Primary Subject Area: Economics
Other Subject Area: Business
Instruction in: English
Transcript Source: TBD
Course Details: Level 200
Recommended Semester Credits: 4
Contact Hours: 64
This module is intended for undergraduate students of any discipline who want to learn about crucialissues in sustainable economic development and natural resource management, from water security to climate change. It provides participants with a basic qual tative understanding of the key theoretical concepts and examines how these are being applied in practice around the wortd today, from payments for ecosystem services to environ mental certification. The courseis split into two parts.In the first half,students will be given an overview of environmental and ecologi cal economics and the tools that ecologists and economists use to analyze environmentalproblems and design appropriate solutions.In the second half,students willlook in more detail at the concept of green economy out lined by the UN and examine examples of socially inclusive,resource-efficient economic development.
Get a Flight Credit worth up to $500 when you apply with code* by March 15, 2025