Social, Cultural and Educational Changes

Business Studies Program
Alicante, Spain

Dates: 1/25/24 - 5/25/24

Business Studies

Social, Cultural and Educational Changes

Social, Cultural and Educational Changes Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: University of Alicante
Location: Alicante, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Education
Instruction in: English
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 100
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 60


School as an institution is not a closed system isolated from the social context where it is inserted. The analysis of social and cultural processes and changes is essential to understand the new functions of educational institutions and also the challenges to be faced. The course is therefore intended to help future teachers to analyze and understand the most relevant social and cultural changes in today's world and the effects that those changes have in education. Based on the approach of real problems and specific situations, students will be provided with theoretical-practical content for reflection, questioning and debate in order to develop critical analysis and understanding skills that allow them to develop democratic education projects in primary education, including the relationship with families, the impact of audiovisual languages, changes in gender relations and intergenerational and sustainable development.

Course will consist of 60hrs of in class work and 90 hrs of independent work outside the classroom.