We are lucky to have had the opportunity to welcome students onsite this past spring semester, and again for the summer term. Lucky because we are able to test and refine our COVID-19 protocols, gain experience in new programming solutions, and be part of our students’ remarkable experience of studying abroad during COVID-19. While helping our students stay safe and healthy has been our priority, we are also focused on providing them an equally meaningful experience despite restrictions in place, and ensuring that our programs have a positive impact on our local communities. So far so good, and we feel confident that we are ready for the fall semester.
- Alexandra Mitchell, Senior Director of Regional Programs and Director for the CEA Paris Center

Spring ‘21 was a monumental semester for CEA while studying abroad in French Riviera, France. In spite of the pandemic, we kept students healthy and safe with none of them contracting the virus. Preparation behind the scenes was massive. France Director Alexandra Mitchell assisted me before, after and during the semester and traveled down from Paris for the critical orientation period. Students followed all our advice and adjusted to what was also, for me, an unusual semester. I am used to hiking and kayaking with students and taking them on exciting trips to places like San Remo, Monaco, and Provence. Unfortunately, none of this was possible due to local restrictions and other alternatives and online activities were arranged instead. Although I rarely saw students’ faces when we were together, I know they appreciated all of CEA’s efforts to keep them safe and well, and that the semester will stay with them for many years to come.
- Kristin Kerr, Program Director, CEA French Riviera

Even though the challenge was big, we are proud that we were able to welcome students onsite. We are grateful for having been able to meet with amazing students who also expressed their joy and gratefulness for having the chance to live this experience, despite COVID-19 and the restrictions. We have had to be even more creative, open-minded and adaptable; when we normally plan everything months before, we have had to move forward step by step with our students in order to create a great semester and memories for them. The support of our team has also been amazing and helped us throughout the semester.
- Justine Mons, Program Director, CEA Grenoble