177 search results for weekend trips

Excursion Spotlight: Kraków, Poland

CEA offers a few trips for their students throughout the semester, and I am extremely grateful that I was able to go to Kraków, Poland, through our program., It was not a place that I naturally would have selected to travel to for the weekend, this is one of the main reasons why I am so glad that it was provided through CEA.


What I’ll Miss About Interning and Studying Abroad in Barcelona

The second weekend of the study abroad program, a few other interns and I took a quick day trip to Mallorca (an island off the coast of Spain) and I swam in the ocean for the first time., Regardless, it’s so nice to be spending less on groceries because it allows me to have more in my budget for things like train tickets for weekend trips.


My Study Abroad Journey in Florence, Italy - CEA CAPA

Then I could enjoy exploring, going to dinner, nightlife, and especially my weekend travel., The proximity of Florence to other Italian gems makes it an ideal base for weekend wanderlust., LUCCA DAY TRIP Lucca, a charming walled city, was one of the included day trips offered by CEA CAPA.


Study & Internship Abroad Program in Paris - What to Expect

Although my placement was in person, it was still nice to create my own schedule, and I found it easy to travel and take weekend trips to neighboring cities and countries., I took this photo while exploring the city one weekend and have really enjoyed getting to see Paris in the spring.


"We'll Always Have Europe"

One of the perks of going through the CEA Rome study abroad program is that they provide two trips for students., And this weekend it was a trip to the Tuscany region.


How CEA Made My Experience Abroad a Reality

I found this extremely useful when planning for weekend trips, as you can use it for multiple flights as long as you book them at the same time., This helped me greatly by lowering program cost to the point I was able to start budgeting for personal trips.


Thank You, CEA

As the days went on, CEA made it a point that we sign up for the trips they offered., Throughout the semester, CEA provided trips in Barcelona, around Barcelona, and within the rest of Spain in order to broaden our experience here., For a 100 euro down payment (which was all refunded), I went to see an FC Barcelona game in the front row, climbed the snow capped mountains of Mont Serrat, took a tour of the quaint beach town of Sitges, indulged in a night of countless tapas, and even went to Madrid for a weekend., Furthermore, CEA makes it a point to integrate field trips into each class, and I'm thankful they did.


The International Contingent

This was fine with me though, because I planned on being gone most of the weekends on solo camping trips to the south to surf and explore., But the epiphany for me was when I told some of my friends the third or fourth week that I was going to take a bus down south to camp on the beach and surf for the weekend.


5 Things to Keep in Mind While Packing for Study Abroad

I would recommend buying some travel-sized items before you leave the USA to use during the weekend trips that you will surely take.


Abroad Making Black History

I took weekend trips to countries I’d only dreamed about, and I will have those memories for a lifetime.


How to Save Money While Studying Abroad in Costa Rica

Most of my weekend adventures consist of me doing something active like hiking or some sort of adventurous sport., While these are some specific tips and trips, my overall advice is to plan your budget out prior to your arrival., Figure out how much per week, month, or overall you can spend on things like food, weekend trips, and various wants.


Immersing Myself in Spain’s Culture - Studying Abroad in Madrid

Day Trips to Toldeo and Segovia CEA CAPA held two day trips: one to Toledo and one to Segovia., Weekend Trip to Seville Another trip that was part of the program was a weekend trip to Seville., These trips are organized well and assist you in seeing the cities of interest but also provide space and free time to explore on your own., The trips helped me meet so many people and have new experiences.


Joe's Prague

I’ve taken weekend trips to Budapest, Hungary; Krakow, Poland (through CEA); and Berlin, Germany, along with day trips to smaller cities and towns in the Czech Republic., These trips are ridiculously easy to plan, and can be very affordable (depending on where you go and what you want to do)., They offer activities and trips through the program, which are generally good experiences., Last weekend I went to Krakow with the program.


10 Tips for Studying Abroad in Buenos Aires

Once my friends and I understood the importance of researching beforehand, our weekend trips were much better. 3., There aren't many times in your life you will be able to travel every weekend, so take advantage of it.


Three Weeks in Paris, One Important Lesson

I even got on a plane to Paris with a plan: I knew where and with whom I was living, I got all of my classes pre-approved, I had weekend trips planned out; even down to which pictures I would Instagram and possible captions.


10 Hidden Gems I Discovered Studying Abroad in Barcelona

This weekend helped me explore the area while bonding with my new study abroad friends., Similar to my Sitges trips, some instructors even bring their classes here for a field trip!


1, 2, 3 Mendoza and Me

My advice for you is to go through a hostel when planning trips around Argentina or whatever country you choose., ~Mendoza is a great and easy long weekend trip., It is also one of the relatively cheaper trips to go on.


Home Is Where the Dulce de Leche is Free

It feels just like a family dinner back home, with the dad cracking jokes at his wife’s expense, and the mom constantly pushing more and more food onto my plate, all the while talking about school, work, and our plans for the weekend., I am already looking forward to sending my host family postcards from my home and I have shamelessly thought about trips back to Buenos Aires in order to visit them.


Tips for Traveling Outside of Paris

While living in Paris, I was able to travel to the UK, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands. 3 out of 4 of those trips were on my own dime and really affordable!, My friend invited me the week before, and I had no plans for the weekend, so I went.

20 of 177 results