Solo Adventures While Studying Abroad in Sydney, Australia

Selfie of study abroad student with Clovelly beach in the background

Solo Adventures I Enjoyed While Studying Abroad in Sydney, Australia                 

One of the best things about Studying abroad in Sydney so far has been one of the best things I could have done for myself. I have met some wonderful people and made beautiful friendships along the way. I’ve been enjoying learning about Australian culture in my classes and exploring all Australia has to offer.

View of Darling Harbour outside with sky scrapers in the background

An evening walk I took at Darling Harbour one of my first nights in Sydney. 

Navigating Public Transportation 

One goal of mine for 2024 was to become more comfortable being alone and getting better at navigating public transportation. Taking public transport has always been a significant source of anxiety for me. I get worried about missing the plane or if I get off at the wrong stop on the bus. This anxiety often gets the best of me to the point where I’ll just avoid taking public transportation all together.  

But this year I wanted to change and grow—push myself outside of my comfort zone. I believe that getting out of your comfort zone is a very important skill that is difficult, but is often highly rewarding. Whether it be going to a social event alone or taking public transportation, everyone has something they are not comfortable with and can work on. 

Sunset view from the Sydney Observatory overlooking skyline

The sunset from the Sydney Observatory overlooking the skyline. It was one of the most magical and peaceful places I have ever visited.

Luckily for me, Sydney is full of public transportation. Not only that, but it is clean and convenient to use. I use the Transit app to get around by bus, train, and the light rail. I find it to be helpful, notifying me of the most efficient route to take and when the transport will arrive at my stop.  

Artwork from the Art Gallery of New South Wales

Cool artwork at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. 

Embracing Time Alone  

So far during my time in Sydney, I have had more alone time than I had anticipated. At first, I was a little upset about this, but after taking some solo trips around Sydney, I quickly began to realize that my alone time is something to cherish. 

Selfie of study abroad student with Clovelly beach in the background

A selfie of me at Clovelly Beach. I spent the afternoon there and watched the sunset on the top of a hill overlooking the coastline. 

Don’t get me wrong, I still love surrounding myself with good people and hanging out with friends, but I often find myself craving alone time after my solo trips throughout the city. It makes me feel good navigating public transportation alone, which is something I never thought I’d be able to do. 

Interior view of Pilates Barre studio

The Pilates barre studio I go to.

Looking back at all of the wonderful places I’ve explored while alone has been rewarding. I’ve had the opportunity to visit many neat places and discover my favorite places in Sydney. Exploring new places and photography are creative outlets for me to express myself, which has been good to tap into through my solo adventures. 

Natural swimming pool at Bondi Beach

A natural swimming pool at Bondi Beach along the Bondi to Bronte Coastal Walk. 

I now feel more confident in taking public transportation alone and I know that when my negative thoughts come in my mind about missing a flight or panicking about a missed bus stop, that most of the time things work out. If they don't, it's not the end of the world and I would ask for help. 

I did have a slightly frightening experience while taking a solo hike from Manly Beach to Spit Bridge. It was a four-hour long hike through different terrains. I needed to catch the ferry back to Sydney and I knew they would be closing around dinner time, but I didn't know exactly when, which made me nervous. I knew I had to take a bus back to the ferry station, but it would take at least an hour to get back. I panicked and left the hiking trail to go to the bus stop because I hadn’t planned out how far away I really was or how long it would take me to get back to the ferry. In the end, it all ended up working out and I was able to catch the ferry home.  

Lush exterior view of a home in Sydney

Beautiful home along the Manly to Spit Bridge Coastal Walk.

  Boats and bike in Manly

Small boats and a bike in Manly.  

This experience taught me to make sure I check the ferry schedule beforehand so I can plan ahead and not get stressed out. Even though I got worried in this particular situation, I was able to see the day as a more positive experience rather than a negative one. I took the buses and ferries to get to where I needed to go. I went on a four-hour hike and got to see some breathtaking views of the Manly coastline. I explored new, quaint beaches. I journaled and was more present while not being on my phone. I even had dinner alone, which was actually a very relaxing experience as I sat on a rock and watched the sunset. The day ended up being one of the most beautiful days I have ever experienced. This was all because I stepped out of my comfort zone and took a leap. 

Restuarant in Manly along the coast

Beautiful restaurant in Manly on the water.

Studying abroad in Sydney has made me realize that I am more than my anxiety and I can overcome it. I can do wonderful things and have meaningful experiences. There will be times when my anxiety rises or I get stressed out, but that is all a part of the process and is a natural human response, especially when I became worried I was not going to catch the ferry back to Sydney. I feel grateful for the experiences I have had so far abroad—both with friends and alone. My alone time is something I now cherish and look forward to as it is healing to me and helps me to be more present. 

Photo of study abroad student's book, A Map to Your Soul

My book I have been reading on my adventures called “A Map To Your Soul” by Jennifer Freed. 

I can’t wait to explore more of Sydney and discover new places that make me happy or bring me peace. I feel confident in my ability to navigate public transportation, and I know I can do whatever I set my mind to. There will be bumps in the road, but that shouldn’t stop someone from taking that risk or leap of faith to step outside of their comfort zone. You’d be pleasantly surprised by the profound impact taking that leap can have and the experiences you can gain from them. 

Jake Kalinowski

Jake Kalinowski is the Content Creator - Photographer in Sydney, Australia, and is currently studying at University of Delaware.