With thousands of tourists visiting them every year, the over 100 beaches in Sydney, Australia get dirty. Today, we are going to be doing our part and helping clean up Manly Beach. I got all my CEA CAPA friends together on a Sunday morning to give back to the community by participating in Operation Straw's cleanup initiative. We spent the morning ridding the beach of trash, microplastics, and straws before cooling off in the ocean where we saw some fish. Leaving a place better than you found is essential to the conservation of our beaches and this activity was a fun way to do our part. Thank you Operation Straw Cove Cleanup for setting this opportunity up!
@ceacapaabroad Ocean cleanup at Manly Beach! #CEACAPAabroad #studyabroad #internabroad #educationabroad #collegelife #sydney #australia #ocean #oceancleanup #earthday ♬ original sound - CEA CAPA Education Abroad