Walk to CEA Florence

Before coming to Florence, I didn't really think about where my classes would be. I was too busy applying for my visa, buying travel-sized everything, and eating enough Chipotle to sustain me for my four months abroad.

After arriving in Florence, I realized how lucky we CEA students are! All of our classes take place in the same facility, and all of the people who keep our program running smoothly have their offices next to our classrooms. This makes our commute to school simple and quick, and it also fosters a real sense of camaraderie because you run into the same people every day. I thought that students who are considering studying abroad with CEA would love to see where they could potentially be taking classes every day, so I made this video. Enjoy!

Ellia Flinn is the Spring 2015 CEA MOJO Blogger in Florence, Italy. She is currently a junior at Cedarville University.

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