Not just an average day. Florence, Italy

"An average day studying abroad is comparative to someone's 'best day'---times 5."
Danee Chavez

Below is a post about a particular but very typical day I had while studying in Florence, Italy.

Today in Food & Wine class we had a wine tasting. We tasted three different types of Chianti which come from the Chianti area within Toscana. It’s not everyday that you leave a class feeling more refined and with a wine flush.

My professor Patrizia and her wisdom:
“Wine is like a baby, you must let it breathe, you must give it food, it’s food is letting it age. You mustn’t travel with a bottle and shake it up and then drink it right away. You must let it sleep, let it take a nap and heal for one month, for two months.”

Next we went to Stefano Ricci, a”fabulous” designer’s boutique with our Fashion Merchandising & Marketing class. This brand makes made-to-fit suits, has a home collection, and a selection of yachts. The manager showed us around and hypnotized us with his excellent diction in an Italian accent mind you. He also travels the world to the other boutiques, hand picks the collection for his Florence boutique, and is the epitome of someone that “knows people in high places.” The company does no advertising but is a luxury classic brand that has clients all over that are more than wealthy—> political leaders, fountains of power etc. brings a whole new meaning to the “power tie.”

Alex, the man at Stefano Ricci spoke with such eloquence and explained that you must be a psychologist, that everyone must read others. Now seeing it written down it doesn’t look quite as poetic as when it came from his lips but I promise you…I stood there thinking I was meant to hear this speech.

Five minutes in he is bestowing 'Pintrestable' quotes upon us. “You must love what you do. Sometimes it is not what you sought out to do but be sure you love it. You have to think of how much time you actually spend with your family and your wife or fiancé. Most of your time is spent working and it’s all building up to your pension and retirement. You must use and remember what you have (referring to skills etc), if you don’t use it, you will forget it.”

Then after that class, I went on to pack for Fall Break. 11 days. 6 plane tickets. 5 cities. 4 countries. 1 backpack.

So today…was not just an average day.

Danee Chavez
studying in Florence, Italy from The University of Colorado Denver

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