Here's a video tour of my CEA housing while studying abroad in Paris for the semester. We have a great apartment in the 12th, near the Bastille and within walking distance of a lot of great sites (check out my walking tour).
As this will be my last blog post, I'd like to thank everyone at CEA for making this semester an incredible experience for me. From attending book readings at Shakespeare and Co. to enjoying every bite of every baguette from every boulangerie I visited, this semester has been an unforgettable one, and I will always look back on my stay in Paris as one of the best times of my life. For all those potential Paris visitors out there, my only advice is to stop whatever you are doing and to fly here immediately. Hopefully my blog has done a good job of demonstrating just a few of the things that Paris has to offer, and I can only hope that you will enjoy this amazing city as much as I have.
Adam Joseph is the CEA MOJO in Paris for the spring semester. He is currently a third year at the University of Virginia studying Global Development and French.