Study Abroad in Prague: Life Goes On Post-Pandemic


Video Transcript:

A life goes on under covid-19, after2 months of strict social distancing and stay/at/home policy, Prague streets started filling up and people yet again queue up on the Charles bridge. You might recognize Lennon’s Wall, one of the most iconic spots, the symbol of freedom and political struggle. Foodies, too, will rejoy – restaurants have reopened their doors and you may enjoy a proper Gulas with Beer. As for the smaller streets, you will enjoy a peaceful walk. The downtown is not empty anymore, but also not too crowded as it used to be. Face masks have become a household staple, but currently you must only wear them in likely/crowded places, such as underground and other forms of public transportation. While COVID restrictions were eased a few weeks ago, and Czechs were able to enjoy summer in some of the most popular foreign destination like Croatia, many decided to explore hidden gems of the Czech landscape instead. University students meet again in coffee spots, taking advantage of drop in prices. While certain sectors of economy were hit hard, business becomes as usual; some people work from home, some from office, or the combination of both.

While, COVID - 19 did not hit the Czech Republic as hard as the US, it was and still is among us to some extent. But life goes on and we are hoping for the best in future.