Full Curriculum

Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Full Curriculum

About the Program

We have temporarily suspended our study abroad programs in Port Elizabeth due to local university closures and intermittent operations.  Please contact a CEA Admissions Counselor to discuss alternative options.

Immerse into student life and choose courses from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University’s (NMMU) extensive full curriculum. You’ll enjoy cultural activities and excursions that bring lessons learned in the classroom to life. NMMU's campus is located in the lovely Summerstrand neighborhood, where you'll attend class with host national and other international students for a truly integrated experience. Courses on the Summerstrand campus focus on Business, Health Sciences, Science, Education, Law, Liberal Arts, and Arts; take classes to fulfill your major requirements and electives that match your academic and personal interests.




Port Elizabeth


6/29/16 - 11/17/16




12 - 15


Apply By:


Withdraw By:



$95 Online Application Fee
Complete Application
Transcript - Official


Course Prerequisites:

Some courses may have prerequisites.


High School Graduate, although one year college is preferred

Minimum GPA:


Get a Flight Credit worth up to $500 when you apply with code* by March 15, 2025

Where You'll Study

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) is the largest higher education institution in South Africa's Eastern and Southern Cape region. Formed in 2005 when the University of Port Elizabeth&md...

Student Offices
Student Offices
Clubs & Organizations
Clubs & Organizations
Student Government
Student Government
Student Center
Student Center


Program Structure & Courses

4 NMMU credits are equivalent to 1 U.S. credit. Most NMMU courses are worth from 4-12 NMMU credits/1-3 U.S. credits. Each semester, you'll enroll in 4-8 elective courses, worth 48-60 NMMU credits/12-15 U.S. credits. If you choose the academic year option, you may earn 24-30 U.S. credits (up to 120 NMMU credits).

NMMU allows you to take courses on a semester and/or a block schedule. The semester schedule is similar to that of most U.S. universities, while the block schedule divides each semester into two blocks. Block courses entail fewer contact hours and credits than semester courses, but allow for greater variety. Most CEA students take a mix of both.

You’ll complete a NMMU Module Section Form before you leave for Port Elizabeth. This allows you to be pre-approved by NMMU departments and/or lecturers for entry into your chosen courses. You'll also go through a pre-registration process during orientation week; your final course registration takes place during the first week of classes when you will have a chance to add or drop. Choose courses carefully, because if you make changes after you're on-site, you'll have to go through the approval process on your own.

It is in your best interest to have multiple alternative courses approved by your home university prior to your departure due to course availabilities. Please consult with your academic advisor at your home university on credit pre-approval guidelines.

All Levels Course Structure


The host institution has offered the following courses in the past. Please note that course listings will not be finalized until the start of the term.

*Courses with an asterisk indicate that the course has been associated with multiple subject areas.
Please click on the course title to view additional subject areas and detailed course information.

  • Accounting
  • Advertising
  • Anthropology
  • Architectural Technology
  • Architecture
  • Biochemistry
  • Biokinetics
  • Botany
  • Broadcasting
  • Business Administration
  • Business Management
  • Ceramic Design
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Communication
  • Computer Science & Information Systems
  • Conservation Biology
  • Culture
  • Economics
  • Education
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental Management
  • Fashion Design
  • Financial Information Systems
  • Financial Planning
  • Fine Arts
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Geology
  • Graphic Design
  • History
  • Human Movement Science
  • Human Resources Management
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Information Technology
  • Interior Design
  • Journalism
  • Language & Literature Studies
  • Law
  • Logistics
  • Management
  • Marine Biology
  • Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechatronics
  • Media
  • Microbiology
  • Multimedia Design
  • Music
  • Nursing
  • Office Management & Technology
  • Operations Management
  • Pharmacy
  • Philosophy
  • Photography
  • Physics
  • Politics
  • Psychology
  • Public Administration
  • Public Management
  • Public Relations
  • Restoration Ecology
  • Social Work
  • Sociology
  • Sport & Recreation Management
  • Sport Management
  • Sport Psychology
  • Sport Science
  • Statistics
  • Textile Design & Technology
  • Tourism Management
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Urban Engineering
  • Water Engineering
  • Web Design & Management
  • Youth Work
  • Zoology

Navigating the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University Website for Courses

CEA knows how important it is to ensure that the credit you earn abroad will transfer back to your school in the US. For this reason, we’ve created a set of instructions to help you navigate and find courses on the Nelson Mandel Metropolitan University (NMMU) website. You may want to print these instructions to refer back to while searching for courses and completing your CEA Module Selection Form.

General Guidelines:

Before we proceed with instructions to find courses and complete your Module Selection form, we want to bring the following points to your attention:

  • NMMU is a multi campus academic institution with a total of seven campuses, five in Port Elizabeth and two in George. The main administration of NMMU is on the Summerstrand campus in Port Elizabeth. You will be attending courses on the North and South campuses (these are the two halves of the Summerstrand campus.)
  • The South African academic year starts in February and ends in November.
  • The NMMU academic year consists of two semesters that are divided into two terms. Semester 1 starts in February and consists of term 1 and term 2. Semester 2 starts in July and consists of term 3 and term 4.
  • Courses often build on one another. For example, if you attend NMMU during our Fall semester, you may participate in a course that is building on academic work from the previous term.
  • CEA strongly encourages students to choose alternate courses in addition to their primary selection. It is in your best interest to talk to your academic advisor at your home institution to ensure that your alternate courses are worthy of credit towards your major or minor at your US University prior to arrival in South Africa. This gives you more flexibility in case of scheduling conflicts or course cancellations, as is possible at any university.
  • Higher education in South Africa does not necessitate students to complete general education requirements. South African students tend to ‘declare their major’ the first day of classes in their first year. In other words, you may find yourself taking a NMMU course to fulfill a general education requirement in the US, however your classmates are taking all of their courses towards their major. Similarly, it may be difficult to find general education type courses on offer at NMMU.
  • If you specifically need modules at an “upper-level”, modules shown as applicable to the third and fourth years of a degree program should work, however you might also check with your advisor about modules shown as applicable to the second year of a degree program to see if the information about the course would count as upper-level at your institution, given that there is no “gen ed” per se at NMMU.
  • Please be advised that all courses for the Spring semester at NMMU are finalized during the end of the South African academic year (December). Therefore Spring NMMU courses are not available until close to the students’ departure. Since Spring students are asked to complete their Module Selection form prior to December, students should look at and select their courses from the published course list from the previous year. Students will have the chance once onsite to add/drop in case certain courses are no longer offered.
  • You must choose at least 48-60 NMMU credits per semester. (approx. 4 NMMU credits = 1 US credit.) Modules offered for only one term (half-semester block) usually carry fewer credits than modules offered across the entire semester. As you build your list of module selections, it is not necessary to balance the modules between terms; what is important is the total number of credits. You must select enough modules to obtain at least 48-60 credits. Please refer to the NMMU Credit and Grading System Overview document (found on the Resources page of MyCEA Account) for more information.

Important US-NMMU Vocabulary Differences to Note:

Course (US) = Module (NMMU)
Degree Program (US) = Course (NMMU)
Course Description (US) = Core Syllabus (NMMU)
Syllabus (US) = Outline (NMMU)
Catalog (US) = Prospectus (NMMU)
College/School (i.e. within a university) (US) = Faculty (NMMU)

Course Numbering System:

100 - 1999     First level
200 - 2999     Second level
300 - 3999     Third level
400 - 4999     Fourth level / Honors - Not available to International Students
500 - 5999     Fifth level / Masters - Not available to International Students

Registration Process:

Please follow the steps below to navigate the NMMU website, review course offerings and select courses for completion of your CEA Module Selection form.

Step One:

Locate modules in a selected field.

Step Two:

Scroll to the bottom of the page for a list of modules with your field of study in the name. Note the Module Name and the Module Code of every module of interest.

Step Three:

Next, navigate here.

There are two ways to search for modules on this page:

  1. Enter the Module Code where indicated.
  2. Locate the module in the drop down list. You can also learn about other modules of interest from the drop down list.
  3. The syllabus will be located at the bottom of the module page. Print out the syllabi for all of your preferred modules and alternates. Please note, international students are eligible to enroll in modules which are offered on the Summerstrand Campus South from the 100 – 399 range. Terms 1 & 2 are held from February to May. Terms 3 and 4 occur during July to October. Modules offered during 1+2+3+4 are full year long modules.

Step Four:

Present the CEA Module Selection form, along with core syllabi, to your home institution advisor for approval. Ensure to have first choice selections and alternates approved.

Step Five:

Finalize your course selections by submitting your CEA Module Selection form to your CEA Advisor, listing courses that you have received approval for transfer back to your home school. Submit your Module Selection form no later than t

Interested in taking your career to the next level?


Get out and explore! Excursions are offered for most semester, year, and summer programs. Semester students are typically offered between two to three excursions and summer study students are typically offered between one to two excursions. You'll receive a calendar of excursions during orientation; here are a few day and overnight excursions we've offered in the past.

Sample Calendar

Below is a tentative itinerary for your program. Please note, dates and events below may change without prior notification. Contact CEA CAPA before purchasing airline tickets.

You will receive a finalized itinerary once you arrive onsite.

Note: Additional cultural activities/excursions or required course-related activities may be incorporated into your final itinerary. You are advised not to make personal travel arrangements until you have the final dates.

Date Description
June 29
Arrival/Program Begins

Official Program Start Date. Students must arrive at the PLZ airport on this date in order to be eligible for airport pickup. Students will then be transferred to their assigned housing.

July 01

Students depart for weekend orientation.

July 04 - 08

Welcome ceremony, registration and mandatory NMMU Orientation will be held.

July 11
Classes Begin

Classes begin at NMMU on this day.

August 27 - September 04
School Break

NMMU is closed for Fall Break. No classes will be held.

October 21
Classes End

This is the last day of classes at NMMU.

October 27 - November 16
Final Exams

Final exams will be held at NMMU.

November 17
Program Ends/Move-Out

Official Program End Date. Students must move out of housing no later than this day.

Sample Budget

This budget contains costs that you can take to your financial aid office. Please note that amounts may fluctuate; we've included a range of costs.

Federal law allows the use of financial aid to cover "reasonable" costs of study abroad including round-trip transportation, tuition and fees for the program, living costs, passport and visa fees, health insurance, and more.

Please note that all costs and charges listed below are subject to change without notice. With the exception of Program Price, all costs are estimates and may vary.

Description Low-Cost High-Cost
Program Fee
Tuition and fees, registration, orientation, airport pickup, welcome and farewell receptions, housing, official transcript, cultural excursions/activities, student support services, CEA On-site Staff and administrative costs.
CEA Secure
CEASecure™ is an optional refund plan that allows students to withdraw for any covered reason up to one week before the program’s start date
International Airfare & Transfers
Cost varies depending on time of purchase, point of origin and time of travel.
Immigration Requirements
Includes passport and additional requirements such as visa, entry and exit fees, French Carte de Séjour, French University Administrative Fee (if applicable), or Italian Permesso di Soggiorno.
Books, Materials and Supplies
Includes books, school supplies, art supplies, and course fees. Does not include fees or supplies for optional courses. This cost varies depending on the course choices of the student.
Includes the average expected cost for food in addition to your meal plan, such as eating out at restaurants.
Personal Expenses
Includes telephone, laundry, local transportation, personal necessities and upfront payments for potential doctor visits. Please note, certain locations may require deposits to secure spots in CEA organized activities and excursions (deposits are returned at the end of the program if student attends activities/excursions or cancels participation before set deadlines). Some of these costs vary according to the spending habits of the student.
Travel Expenses
Includes additional travel outside of CEA excursions. This cost varies according to the spending habits of the student.
TOTAL EXPENSES $18,607 $24,168