Fluid Dynamics

University of Galway - Engineering & Computer Science Program
Galway, Ireland

Dates: 9/3/19 - 12/21/19

University of Galway - Engineering & Computer Science

Fluid Dynamics

Fluid Dynamics Course Overview


CEA CAPA Partner Institution: University of Galway
Location: Galway, Ireland
Primary Subject Area: Mechanical Engineering
Instruction in: English
Course Code: ME301
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 300
Recommended Semester Credits: 2.5
Contact Hours: 36


Governing differential equations of flow - continuity, momentum and energy; Navier-Stokes equation. Simplified concepts, stream function and potential flows. Dimensional analysis and similarity; dimensionless groups; modelling and experimental fluid mechanics. Laminar, transitional and turbulent flows; Reynolds number regimes in internal and external flows; the time-averaged equations. The speed of sound, acoustics and compressible flow regimes. Internal compressible flows; steady adiabatic and isentropic flows; effects of area changes; normal shock-waves; converging and diverging nozzle flows. Viscous flow in ducts; frictional pressure losses; component losses; diffusers; flow metering. Viscous external flows; boundary layers; external forces on immersed bodies - drag and lift. Problem solving techniques and their application to a broad range of realistic engineering fluid dynamic problems. Laboratory sessions cover a range of fundamentals applications (see below for some typical examples). These involve every student in revising conceptual principles and each is required to handle, observe, measure, analyse and formally report on the practical exercises.

Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the fundamental models of fluid flow.
2. Characterise whether internal or external flow is turbulent, transitional or laminar.
3. Determine the pressure loss in a pipe/duct system. Perform pipe/duct sizing and compute flow.
4. Calculate the fluid resistance on a body for a range of practical applications.
5. Analyse isentropic and adiabatic one-dimensional compressible flow.
6. Conduct, analyse and report on experiments to verify various aspects of fluid flow principles.

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