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CEA CAPA Partner Institution: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Location: Madrid, Spain
Primary Subject Area: Computer Sciences
Instruction in: English
Course Code: 16475
Transcript Source: Partner Institution
Course Details: Level 100
Recommended Semester Credits: 3
Contact Hours: 42
1. The Importance of Data Science 2. Understanding the Data: Case Studies of Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques I 3. Understanding the Data: Case Studies of Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization Techniques II 4. Importance of a good design of the experiment and choice of performance measures: precision, sensitivity, specificity, ROC curves. Over-fitting. 5. Introduction to unsupervised techniques: case studies of clustering I 6. Case studies of clustering II 7. Introduction to unsupervised classification: case studies on decision trees and random forests. 8. Case studies on data reduction techniques (Principal Component Analysis, Independent Component Analysis, Fisher Discriminant Analysis). 9. Introduction to Regression: Case Studies of Linear Regression. 10. Case studies of Logistic Regression. 11. Case studies on probabilistic models. 12. Introduction to the state of the art: case studies on Support vector machines. 13. Case studies on Deep Learning.
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