177 search results for weekend trips

My Trip to Morocco

This past weekend me, my girlfriend and a couple of our friends took a trip of a lifetime to visit Morocco., Morocco was one of those trips where I wasn’t sure if I had enjoyed it until I had gotten a full night’s sleep.


To See & To Know.

Before coming to Aix-en-Provence, I didn’t spend much time thinking about volunteering while I would be here — I was pretty well occupied between French, schoolwork, researching weekend trips, stuffing too much in my suitcase (and reluctantly leaving behind some of my Cliff bars and ‘Food & Wine’ magazines in a valiant effort to get my suitcase under 50lbs.), and the food (because how can you not think about French food, am I right ???).


Reflecting on a Unique Semester in Barcelona

Whether it be the little things like navigating the grocery store and the public transportation system, or the big things like planning trips and excursions; every day was an adventure and every day I learned something new., Many study abroad students leave their host country almost every weekend with hopes of getting a little taste of everything during their limited time abroad.


How Studying Abroad in Prague Helped Shape My Identity

My roommates and I at the castle our first weekend in Prague, this is one of Prague’s most famous landmarks and one of my favorite views., Our weekly class meetings were supplemented with field trips to the Museum of Communism and the Czech Parliament., Both field trips allowed me to see identity in the Czech Republic better., On my first (of many) trips to Prague Castle!


Studying Abroad in 2021: My First Few Weeks in Aix-en-Provence

The bus system is extremely affordable and easy to use, so we expect to go on many more day/weekend trips this semester.


Top Attractions to Visit in Florence

Spring breakers, high school trips, along with regular travelers have begun to pile back into European cities as tourism season begins., I'm biased and would recommend a whole semester in the cradle of the renaissance, but at the same time, a weekend could do the city justice, just as long as you have your priorities straight and know the right places to go.


Studying Abroad for the Rest of My Life

I'm exploring every weekend, going on bus trips, taking hundreds of pictures and videos, and speaking Spanish outside of class every day.


Tips for smoother trips!

You tell yourself that traveling through Europe will be inexpensive and pack your bag for a weekend getaway -- only to realize that the cheapest option will require a six-hour bus ride and you won’t have enough time., Tips for smoother trips!


4 Tips for a Fulfilling Study Abroad Experience In and Around Your Host City

Use buses to take day or overnight trips When I studied abroad in Granada, Spain, I didn’t leave the country for the duration of my stay., Making the most of this easy mode of transportation is a great way to take fun, fulfilling trips with those in your program to the places less-traveled around your host city!, While these weekend trips outside of your host country are exciting, simply taking the time to explore your host city can be extremely revealing and rewarding.


Meet Raquelle's Aix-en-Provence, France

Our on-site program directors in Aix are top-notch: they are very hard workers, always planning wonderful trips and events for the students, and they will answer any question and help you out in any situation., We’ve had lots of enjoyable day trips to Les Baux de Provence, Roussillon, Isle sur la Sorgue, and many more., We even took a longer weekend trip to the Camargue region, where we went horseback riding on white ponies through marshlands and saw wild pink flamingos – no joke., These trips with CEA let the students experience areas close to where they live that they may not have thought to visit themselves., I’ve gotten involved in so many activities that have undoubtedly enhanced my time here – volunteering at a local technical school, taking cooking classes, going on trips to local institutions – and I’ve formed many friendships that I feel could last a lifetime.


5 Things I Miss About Studying Abroad in Florence

It was amazing to plan a weekend trip and to go explore with new friends., During each class session, we learned about the artwork for the first two hours, then for the last hour we went on field trips to go see the pieces in person.


Costa Vogue

On-the-Go When planning for weekend trips or excursions away from school, it is most helpful to think ahead.


The Exhilaration of Studying Abroad in London for the First Time

In my experience, it is not the best idea to go to iconic landmarks and shops on the weekend., It is a great opportunity to be able to pop over to Buckingham Palace after class in Kensington or take field trips with your peers to Greenwich.


21 Reasons to Study Abroad with CEA in 2021

Planning those weekend trips while staying on budget, and turning in your homework on time foster organizational, planning, and budgeting skills that will set you up for life!


5 EuroTrip Tips

I stayed in Brussels and took day trips to other cities within Belgium, such as Bruges and Ghent., Airbnb is another web service, similar to couchsurfing, where people list extra spaces in their apartment (be it a spare room, a bit of floor space, or an entire apartment) for a fee often cheaper than the weekend rates for hostels.


How to Remain Connected While Virtually Studying or Interning Abroad

Before classes started when I was abroad, my classmates and I would all talk about our experiences in Granada, as well as the weekend trips we took to Portugal, Italy, and many other European countries.


Granada Student Spotlight: Alexa Davis

We just planned our weekend trips ahead of time, and then go out for tapas or ice cream a couple of times during the week.


5 Ways to Optimize Your Study Abroad Experience in France

I encourage you to get to know the region that you’re in and take advantage of the day trips you can take., It’s only 7 euros to get to the airport from Aix’s Gare Routiere and there are a lot of good flight deals for weekend trips!


How to Travel as an Adult Post-Study Abroad

I will be the first to admit that although I did travel, I most certainly didn't do it in style, except for the couple of trips me friend's parents took us on., As a working adult: "Go ahead, book the extra leg room, you can even bring a blanket" Flying isn't different per se than when you were jetting off to Morocco for the weekend, I still love me a good flight deal, but at least now you don't have to be so stingy.

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