177 search results for weekend trips

Where to Go When Friends & Family Visit While Studying Abroad

Walking with new friends in Interlaken, Switzerland, on a weekend trip., I have made new friends at school, but also on trips such as in Ireland where I made a lifelong friend in Laura, who wasn’t even a person in my program but someone that I met outside of it.


Exploring Spanish Culture While Studying Abroad in Barcelona

How CEA CAPA Incorporated Food, Art, and Culture into My Study Abroad Experience in Barcelona, Spain This photo story focuses on some of the activities and trips led by CEA CAPA to better immerse us students in the food, art, and culture of Spain!, During our weekend trip to Madrid, for example, we were able to take a walking tour of the city, exploring the streets and learning more about the local niches within it.


(Surprisingly) Missing Home in Sydney

I was just scrolling down my newsfeed when I came across a video on my brother's timeline from Father's Day weekend., I miss the late night pool parties in my backyard with my siblings and longtime friends, spontaneous trips to the delis by my house, and getting to spend time with my sister's 2 year old son, (and my godson) Jayden.


Putting the "Study" in Study Abroad

IAU also offers a lot of field trips, you can count on going at least two., This semester, I have a trip to the Milles battle site just outside of Aix, as well as three wine tasting trips., We went on our first tasting the third weekend we were here, and it was really interesting.


Homestay or Home Away from Home?

"My friend was in a home stay once and they took them on trips all the time., Going on little day trips to places you talked about at dinner., In my first few weeks in France my host family took me on a few day trips around the area, like a tour of the French Resistance Monuments in the Vercors Mountains and a tour of the Chartreuse Monastery., After being out and about all day, sometimes all weekend, I love being able to come home and just relax in my own space.


You Live & You Learn

In the months leading up to my departure, I thought a lot about what my apartment might look like, the kinds of things I wanted to do in Barcelona, and the weekend trips I hoped to take.


Lighten the Load: Minimalism Abroad

Consider having less with you on short trips as well., I spent the long four-day weekend in Italy with just my backpack & I still had room for a few souvenirs - One of the many canals of Venice deep in the labyrinth of the city Your Wardrobe The relationship with clothing is much different in other countries than in the United States.


Budgeting for a Summer in Spain

Prices of trips that you take on your own will obviously vary wildly based on where you choose to go, how you get there, and how far in advance you plan., Also, check out sites like Student Universe to find discounts, always fly basic economy if you’re just going for a weekend, and make sure you budget in things like transport to and from the airport, dining out while you’re away, and attractions while you’re there.


Great Ways to Stay Money Smart While Abroad

These include a trip to Bruges (a city in Belgium), a circus in Paris, a trip to Chantilly, a weekend trip to Provence, and more., My advice: Plan your trips once you arrive., Use a planner, write out your assignments, and plan your trips around your academic obligations.


Meet Barcelona On-Site Ambassador, Ana Gilbert!

As an On-Site Ambassador, I divide my time between helping coordinate student activities, excursions and weekend trips, facilitating the study abroad experience for on-site students, and contributing to office projects related to my major.


The Variety of Classes That Piqued My Interest in Florence

When in a foreign country, traveling most weekends and trying to do as much as possible in the three and a half months we had, it's easy to plan on giving your classes a little less prominence compared to your plans next weekend., Every week I was learning about the food and gastronomy of Tuscany and Italy, taking field trips throughout the city markets and storefronts, and being able to exercise my newly found food prowess when ordering lunch and dinner.


CEA's September Savings: Week 1

Travel abroad –Madrid is a central location, ideal for traveling, so take advantage of your time in Spain and plan some weekend getaways around the country or elsewhere in Europe., Using the city as your classroom, with field trips and interactive debates, you’ll gain a true understanding for the capital of Spain.


Adventures Abroad: Navigating Alicante, Spain

The CEA on-site staff in Alicante will give you a transportation card that you will need to refill with trips every week or so, depending on whether you buy 10 or 30 viajes (trips)., We’ve done the math; it is not cheaper to buy in bulk, so if you’re afraid of losing the card, buying 10 trips at a time might be your best bet., Those trips on that card will allow you to take the tram every day from the city center to San Vicente del Raspeig where the University is located, a 26-minute ride with a gorgeous view of the Mediterranean., You will also be able to travel to El Campello with those trips, but if you are wanting to travel outside Zone A on Tram Line 1, you will have to purchase a ticket from the same stations for the zone corresponding to your destination., I was able to travel to Santa Pola for less than 5 euros for a day trip one weekend.


Tarini Padmanabhan - Barcelona Study Abroad Program

My top five essentials for study abroad are: A travel backpack: One that adheres to the guidelines of budget European airlines like Ryanair, Easyjet, and Vueling was incredibly helpful for weekend trips to other countries., As I mentioned earlier, the travel backpack is especially helpful for weekend trips and can fit a surprising amount of clothes in it., Lastly, a small carry-on suitcase is definitely a must for any longer trips like spring break.


Why I Chose to Study + Intern Abroad with CEA in Rome

While I enjoyed planning weekend trips individually, some of my travels were class field trips or excursions included in the overall program cost and planned entirely by CEA.


Tips for Solo Travelers: Embracing Your Adventures

I’ve gotten home from outings or weekend trips alone and realized I don’t have a single photo of me in that place.


Florence or Rome - Where Should I Study Abroad?

The city itself is close to the sea, mountains and various lakes, which provides ample opportunities for quick weekend trips.


9 Tips: How to Actually Pack for a Semester Abroad

The raincoat is perfect for all of your weekend trips and hikes, as carrying an umbrella through the rainforest doesn’t end up working out too well.


Memories from Prague 2007: A Lifelong Gift

We have gotten together every single year since 2007, and this has included reunions in Wisconsin, Colorado, and Maine, weddings in Mexico and Wisconsin, skiing trips out west, The Hunt in New Jersey, and even a trip in 2014 back to Prague., The school was in a perfect location, we were able to travel almost every weekend across Europe thanks to its location, and we were able to afford the local cuisine and culture because of the affordability of Prague.

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