CEA CAPA Directory

Lindsay Wilhelm, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

Baylor University

Seville, Spain

Summer 2023

WhAT was your favorite class while abroad, and why?
I took communication and global competence while studying abroad along with my internship abroad and I found this class to be one of my favorite classes I ever took. Learning about cultural differences and the proper ways to communicate through those barriers from someone from Spain was a unique experience and very relevant to my time abroad. I applied what we we discussed in my daily interactions with locals and we had some tough conversations that were really eye opening to me. I truly valued every day of class and enjoyed learning form my professor.

HOW did you engage with the local community while abroad?
While abroad, I met local people at various places that I frequented and begin to have more insightful conversations with them. I always went to the same café in Sevilla and the nice lady working the counter got to know my order and we always had exciting conversations about our day. My host mother also engaged me and my roommate in the local scene by taking us out to eat and showing us some of the small restaurants near by. In general, being in Spain, the city was filled with opportunities to learn the culture, language, food, music, and everyone was friendly and willing to share it.


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Lindsay Wilhelm,  Alumni Ambassador