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Lauren Thorburn, Content Creator - Blogger

Content Creators

Why did you choose to study or intern abroad?
One of my favorite things is traveling the world and exploring unfamiliar places. I grew up in Africa and spent much of my childhood discovering Southern African countries, so I wanted to go somewhere I had never been before. I believe that traveling and going outside of your comfort zone is the best way to learn and grow. This is why I knew before even starting college that studying abroad was something that I wanted to do. 

Why did you choose your study/intern destination?
I  chose to study abroad in Prague, Czech Republic, because I wanted to experience a country hugely different from any other place I've visited before. Additionally, I knew I wanted to be in Europe as it offers the opportunity to explore surrounding countries easily, thus allowing me to gain an even richer cultural experience. The Anglo-American University in Prague also offers diverse courses that align with my studies, so it really ended up being an extremely easy decision to choose Prague!

What are you most looking forward to during your study/intern experience?
I think I'm most looking forward to two of my classes: "Prague Art and Architecture" and "Documentary Photography." I think my Art and Architecture class will really help me learn about the history of the city and give me the opportunity to explore different buildings around Prague with my professor and peers. My Documentary Photography class will help me engage with the world around me, not only in the Czech Republic but also in other cities I'll visit around Europe.

what's a Fun Fact about you (hobbies, interests, accomplishment, etc.)?
I spent a week and a half traveling alone in Scotland last year! It was such a rewarding experience, especially because it was my first adventure as a solo traveler (something I plan to continue doing throughout the rest of my life).

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Lauren Thorburn,  Content Creator - Blogger