CEA CAPA Directory

Rachel Perri, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

Marist College

Prague, Czech Republic

Spring 2023

What's one thing about cea capa you think everyone should know?
If you wonder how often you'll interact with the local culture, CEA CAPA provides many opportunities for experience. By offering classes with field work or excursions or organizing trips and activities outside of academics, CEA CAPA ensures that you get to know the city you're studying abroad in and locals living there.

Why was your cea capa program the right fit for you?
The Prague study abroad program was definitely the right fit for me. Compared to some other popular places like Amsterdam, Florence, and Barcelona, Prague is a much smaller and less dense city. But its smaller size made the transition from suburban living to city living much more pleasant. I walked from my neighborhood through a beautiful park to school in 25 minutes, and across a bridge to the city center in 15! And the architecture everywhere was a sight to see. Despite the mostly cloudy weather, living in Prague felt like living in a fairy tale.


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Rachel Perri,  Alumni Ambassador