CEA CAPA Directory

Olivia Everitt, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Fall 2023

how did you engage with the local community while abroad?
I lived with a host family while studying abroad and that was the best decision I ever made! My host mom took me on weekend trips to her farm an hour outside of Buenos Aires and we had asado with her friends and family. We went grocery shopping together and to farmers markets on the weekend. I also had a host brother and went to a soccer game with him and his friends. Other than my living situation, I attended local events (music shows, school trips, etc.) where I met lots of locals and learned more about the Argentine culture!

what's one thing about cea capa you think everyone should know?
The study abroad excursions put on by the onsite staff are incredible - a mix of fun and cultural learning experiences that are very well planned and thought out.


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Olivia Everitt,  Alumni Ambassador