CEA CAPA Directory

Lizzet Contreras, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

Texas A&M University

Alicante, Spain

Summer 2023

how did you engage with the local community while abroad?
The way I engaged with the community abroad was I integrated myself with a local church that I found and loved. This lead me to meet many new people and establish great and personal relationships.

what's one story or important aspect you always share about your time abroad?
One thing I always tell people that's important to note about studying abroad is that you not only learn about yourself but there's also a level of healing that happens to you. You meet such amazing new people and you're constantly getting put in positions that you'd normally never be in. It almost causes you to be in a certain mindset while you're there that once you come home you realize that certain aspects of yourself were healed. That was my experience.


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Lizzet Contreras,  Alumni Ambassador