CEA CAPA Directory

Jacqueline Ayala-Flores, Alumni Ambassador

Alumni Ambassadors

Binghamton University

Barcelona, Spain

Fall 2023

what was your favorite class while abroad, and why?
My favorite class while studying abroad in Barcelona was my Food and Culture in Spain class because I learned a lot about Spanish and Mediterranean cuisine. I also had a really good teacher who was passionate about what he taught and made the class fun which made me even more excited. I loved the tapas workshop that I participated in through the class and the wine tasting and the trip to the local market to see where locals would shop for their food.

how did you engage with the local community while abroad?I volunteered as an English Learning Assistant at a local Barcelona school with middle school children. I taught four classes, formed small groups, and spent time helping the students practice their oral and communication skills in English. The students and staff at the school were very welcoming and made me feel like a part of their community. When I entered the classroom, the students greeted me with huge smiles and asked me about my study abroad stories, and would even recommend Spanish music and movies. During their break, I had conversations with the teachers at the school and they talked about their experiences in the education system in Spain, informed me about current events, and recommended places for weekend travels. I built a good relationship with staff and students and I'm grateful for the opportunity to speak with locals.

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Jacqueline Ayala-Flores,  Alumni Ambassador